2024 | performance in Hückel's villas in Nový Jičín |
2024 | guest of the competition Choralia Magna |
2022 | performance at the Expo in Dubai |
2019 | performance in Rudolfinum at the Czech-Japanese Concert |
2019 | vystoupení v Českém centru v Paříži |
2018 | appearance in Aleš Cibulka's radio show Toboggan |
2017 | guest of the international festival Mezzochori in Pardubice at the opening concert |
2014 | guest of the international festival Kaunas Cantat in Kaunas, Lithuania as part of a trip to Norway |
2013 | vystoupení v České televizi Ostrava, pořad Dobré ráno |
2013 | host mezinárního festivalu Adventnej a vianočnej hudby v Bratislave na zahajovacím koncertě |
2008 | guest of the international festival Canti versi Prague at the closing concert |
2007 | concert and honorary performance as a member of the delegation of the City of Nový Jičín in Épinal, France |