
Ráno jsme se po snídani (na níž jsme okusili místní Skillingsbolle, které bylo mimochodem výborné) vydali na procházku městem. Na ní jsme se kochali malebnými domečky, nádhernými výhledy a také výletní lodí Aida. Poté nás čekal oběd a pak přesun do Domkirke, kde jsme se zapsali na samotnou soutěž.

In the meantime before the competition they lent us a rehearsal room in the Gimle cultural house. Here we rehearsed songs and changed into concert clothes. In the meantime, some of us ran to see the male part of the Czech choir Permoník, who competed in the category before us. They enjoyed their performance very much. And then it was off to the competition!

We gave a great performance here, we gave everything we could today. And despite the cold of two of our fellow singers, we did very well. At the end of our block we received a strong applause from the audience.

And then we had to go to our accommodation and have a soup dinner. After that it was free time, which some took advantage of to go and listen to other choirs and others to walk around Bergen or relax at the hotel.

Unfortunately, we won't know the results until tomorrow, and we can't wait to share them with you.