Soutěžní den mýma očima

Comfortably ensconced in the plane, overlooking the blue sky, I reflect on the last few days. They have been very intense indeed, despite the original forecast we even had sunshine for most of the day. But first things first: a competition day full of tension and concentration, enhanced by the knowledge that this Nordic country has strict competition criteria and a very knowledgeable, five-member jury. There is no clapping between songs, the singers have no idea what the jury is writing down all the time, where (if?) they see any mistakes in the notes, the musical tension and the need for harmony continues until the final chord. A common bow, a common smile, leaving the stage... the next day in the evening, then waiting for the results... And here it is - Czech republic, Sextet plus, 1st place, winner of the category!😍🍀🎶 Huge, sincere joy, cheering and hugs, together the work is enhanced by the common joy. Behind it is hard work, rehearsals even during the holidays... Today's diploma and the praising comments of the jury and foreign guests, Sextet plus rightly deserves...! From memories I return to the present. We are just landing in Krakow and I realize that another beautiful page in the "sextet" chronicle has been written. I'm so grateful that I could share the atmosphere with you guys! And I admire you, Mr. Conductor Kája, for still finding the strength to handle these challenges. 🍀👍🎶 See you again... 😍🎶

– Andrea Dostálová
co-director of the choir Puellae et Pueri

Farvel Bergen

Today we had to get up early to be at the airport early. Our flight left at 10, but just to be safe we were at the airport a little before 8. We got through security without too much trouble and then it was just a matter of waiting for our flight.

We took off on time and arrived in Krakow 10 minutes earlier than planned. Then we had to pick up our bags, pay the parking fee and take the long drive home.


Luky: Two Vincentkas with rice!

Dave: It's nice in Norway, but it's expensive.

Kanis: When you don't know what to have, reindeer and moose sausage is the only way to go.

Radek: If you feel like your competition performance didn't quite work out, it probably smacks of winning the category.

Kuba: I'll take forty winks and I'm ready for BANG!

Karel: Bergen and Sextet can always surprise you!!!

Andy: There is no substitute for that momentary feeling of happiness at the announcement of the results and the pure joy in the eyes of the awarded singers... (btw: who didn't take home at least a cold, he wasn' in Bergen). 😉

Kate: If there's an iron available, there just has to be that board somewhere.

Siste dag i Bergen

After yesterday's long night's sleep, we had to get up late and have breakfast. Some took a morning walk afterwards and others played BANG! At 12 the cheering started and then we headed to 12:55 for acoustic rehearsal. At 13:30 the concert started. The Slovakian choir sang first and then we did. We had a great concert and you can listen to it here: After us sang the Filipinos, who again confirmed that they were the Grand Prix winners!. After the concert performances, all the singers filled the church, taking very cordial photos with the others, exchanging contacts and getting to know each other.

Then it was on to our accommodation, where we had lunch/snack/dinner in one. This was a delicious spaghetti with tomato sauce and parmesan cheese. Many thanks to Mrs. Dos. They were great! Some spent the afternoon walking around the marina and the rest stayed in our little house and relaxed.

Tomorrow we have an early wake up call and a flight home. We are looking forward to the warmth of our homes.

Grand Prix

After breakfast, several of our members went on a tour of probably the most iconic part of Bergen - Brygenn. Here we admired the pretty houses and the alley, bought some souvenirs and headed home. Here everyone had lunch on their own.

Then we had a sing-along and moved on to St. Paul Kirke Church. Here we had a sound check and from two we listened and sang at a concert in this church. A recording of our entry can be found here: We thoroughly enjoyed the performances of the other ensembles and were in anticipation of what the evening's Grand Prix would bring.

But before that, we had dinner, which Maty had prepared for us. It was delicious pancakes and we thank Maty very much for them. We enjoyed them very much.

And then the Grand Prix itself and the announcement of the results. This took place in Grieghallen, which is the big cockeroom in Bergen. We were accompanied by a comedian, a singer and a pianist all in one. He managed to lighten the atmosphere very pleasantly and the whole concert hall was laughing. The Grand Prix was amazing, each choir sounded a little different but really professional. And before the judges decided who would be the absolute winner, there was a final in solo singing. And then it was on to the announcement of the results.

It was our category's turn. Third place. Second place. It's said to be a choir from the Czech Republic. We're all excited to see if it's us and we're about to clap. But it's not us. At this competition, in our category of VOCAL ENSEMBLES we won the 1th place..

The Permoník choir from Karviná is worth mentioning, as they won one category and came second in the other two. But the overall Grand Prix was won by the choir from the Philippines. After this announcement we got free Hot Dogs and there was a moment of friendship between the choirs.

We arrived at our accommodation just before midnight. Mr. Dos called us to the canteen and we got a T-shirt for our placement and effort. But now we were glad to get into our beds after a hard day.

I would like to end today's article with a thought from the head juror. I paraphrase: "You can be shiny, you can be quiet, you can be something in between, but we're interested in how you can entertain us, what you can do with the dots that have been given to you by your conductor. You are art and you perform it at the same time."


Ráno jsme se po snídani (na níž jsme okusili místní Skillingsbolle, které bylo mimochodem výborné) vydali na procházku městem. Na ní jsme se kochali malebnými domečky, nádhernými výhledy a také výletní lodí Aida. Poté nás čekal oběd a pak přesun do Domkirke, kde jsme se zapsali na samotnou soutěž.

In the meantime before the competition they lent us a rehearsal room in the Gimle cultural house. Here we rehearsed songs and changed into concert clothes. In the meantime, some of us ran to see the male part of the Czech choir Permoník, who competed in the category before us. They enjoyed their performance very much. And then it was off to the competition!

We gave a great performance here, we gave everything we could today. And despite the cold of two of our fellow singers, we did very well. At the end of our block we received a strong applause from the audience.

And then we had to go to our accommodation and have a soup dinner. After that it was free time, which some took advantage of to go and listen to other choirs and others to walk around Bergen or relax at the hotel.

Unfortunately, we won't know the results until tomorrow, and we can't wait to share them with you.

Bli kjent med Bergen

Today we didn't have to rush anywhere (because we could arrive at our accommodation only after 14:00), so some of us took advantage of it and contributed. So at 9:30 we had a walk around the area, with views of Bergen to get us in the mood for the afternoon. We had to have our room cleared by 12:00, so we took the tram into the city centre. Here we were dismissed for lunch, which some of us used to explore the city. And then off to our new accommodation!

Tím je starý, pěkný domeček v nejikoničtější fotogenické uličce celého Bergenu. Po zabydlení nás čekala procházka a prohlídka bergenské katedrály Domkirke. Zde jsme si i zazpívali, protože v ní budeme zítra soutěžně vystupovat. A poté následoval hvězdný okamžik dne. Výjezd lanovkou (kromě Radka a Kuby, kteří si to dali pěšky) na Floyen, ze kterého je nádherný výhled na celý Bergen. Zde jsme se pořádně pokochali výhledy a pěšky se vydali zpátky.

After returning to our accommodation, all we had to do was sing songs for tomorrow's competition and have dinner.

We have a competition tomorrow, so wish us!

Hei Bergen!

At 7:30 we left GNJ in two cars for Krakow airport. After about three hours of travel, the airport welcomed us with lots of cars and people, which was reflected in the waiting time for check-in. Even though we were there before 11am, we didn't get to go through security until a little after 12pm. Then it was time to board the plane. We left the airport on schedule, and because we flew with the wind at our backs, we landed in Bergen ten minutes early. We were greeted by a pleasant 12 degrees.

From the airport we were waiting for a transfer to a nice accommodation City Box. After some rest we went to a local place for dinner, where we had pizza and fries. We ended the day with a short walk around the area and even sang in the local church.

Tomorrow we will move to our second (and final) accommodation and take a cable car ride to a viewpoint from which we will be able to see the whole of Bergen.


Spolu se sborem Puellae et Pueri jsme se vypravili na výjezd do Slovinska. Zazpívali jsme si nejen v Grazu na koncertě, ale i v kostelích po cestě. Spolu se sborem jsme se cestou kochali pěknou přírodou, navštívili Orlove Glove, Bohinjské a Bledské jezero, soutěsku Vintgar, Škocjanskou jamu a dokonce jsme se vykoupali i v moři v městečku Piran. Výjezd jsme si všichni moc užili. Pro podrobnější popis cesty navštivte web:

Hückel Villas

On Saturday, 1 June, we have prepared a concert for you, our listeners, together with the town of Nový Jičín to celebrate the reopening of the Hückel Villas. Originally, this concert was to take place outside, among the illuminated villas, but due to the weather and the necessary preparations for the audiovisual show, it was moved inside.

Here we sang Czech, foreign, slow and fast songs in the magical atmosphere of the old room. From the selection, e.g. Znala panna pána, My Old Man, Prstýnek or Barber of Seville. You can listen to the concert here:

Thank you to the town of Nový Jičín for this opportunity and to you, our fans, for the huge applause and support. We are already looking forward to the next meeting with you. See you again!

Ocenění na novojičínské radnici

V pátek 8. 12. jsme se vypravili na radnici, abychom zde mohli být oceněni za náš výkon na mezinárondí soutěži Concours & Festival International Choral ve Francouzské Provence. Byli jsme dovedeni do zasedacího sálu, kde nám byl představen starosta, vícestarosta a zástupci radní správy města Nový Jičín. Poté jsme se sebereprezentovali pomocí videí z cest, které vedly k tomuto úspěchu. Následně jsme byli jeden po druhém představeni a obdrželi jsme tašku s permanentkou na bazén, vínem a dalšími drobnostmi. V neposlední řadě jsme pro radnici zazpívali tři písně: Greensleevs, For The Longest Time a českou hymnu Kde domov můj, přičemž poslední dvě jmenované zazněly i na již zmíněné soutěži. Děkujeme městu Nový Jičín za podporu.