Observations du voyage

Kuba: Pokud nevypotíš aspoň 2 l denně, dostatečně si tu jižní Francii neužíváš.

Mára: Pokud tvůj kufr váží více než by měl, stačí vyndat baterky z váhy.

Ráďa: KPZ, verze jižní Francie: opalovací krém (50ka), neomezený přísun vody a minimálně základní znalost francouzštiny.

Maty: Jediné slovo, které od Francouze uslyšíš anglicky je “Elo”.

Pan Dos: Chceš-li přežít a uspět v Provence, potřebuješ Sextet plus, odolnost vůči jakékoliv teplotě, paní Dos a její skvělou francouzštinu a také Madame de la Ville…jinak fakt nepoletíš😀

Paní Dos: Po dlouhé přípravě celé akce stojím a pyšně s davem kolem sebe tleskám. Ano, tihle bezvadní kluci, kteří sklízí úspěch nejen na soutěži, ale i následných performances, během nichž cvakají foťáky a následuje vždy velký aplauz, jsou “naši”.  A já jen uvnitř tiše děkuju, že mohu být tady a teď s nimi všemi…🍀

John: Asi by se jednalo o báječný sen, chodit po francouzských ulicích a být opěvován lidmi ze všech koutů svět, ale přesně toto jsme, světě div se, po našem vystoupení na ulici v Toulonu se Sextetem zažili – Uruguajci, Američané, Francouzi, Poláci, lidé známí i naprosto neznámí, nám spontánně tleskali. Děkujeme Francie za krásné zážitky.

Dejv: Ve Francii jsem se naučil rozumět polsky.

Daniel: Býti nejlepším vokálním tělesem v Evropě vskutku není špatné. Přidejte k tomu moře, slunce a skvělé lidi a máte  zaručený recept na štěstí 😉

Luky: Když chceš podat dobrý výkon, musíš si každé ráno přibrat pár jablek ze snídaně a napustit si jablečný džus do Evianu.

Katka: Pět dní plných hudby, slunce, moře a báječné společnosti úžasných kluků. Jejich vystoupení boří všechny hranice a posluchači odchází s úsměvem a červenými dlaněmi od potlesku. A perlička výletu? MHD jako loď🛥️

Dernier jour

Dopoledne se naši sbormistři setkali s porotou, kde se dozvěděli co zlepšit, a my jsme mezitím odpočívali. V 13:10 nás loď dovezla na druhou stranu Toulonu, kde následoval přesun do kostela, ve kterém probíhalo Grand Prix.

Poté se někteří vydali na pozdní oběd a jiní zase poseděli s krásným výhledem na moře a poté se vydali kochat krásami města. Objevili jsme např. kostel s velmi specifickou dlouhou akustikou, ve kterém jsme si samozřejmě zazpívali.

Následoval pouliční koncert a večeře v parku. To se neobešlo bez navazování přátelství a domlouvání různých spoluprací.

Poté proběhlo vyhlášení výsledků a koncerty výherních skupin. A protože se to protáhlo, tak nám ujel poslední autobus. Naštěstí nás Chorvatky svezly na hotel, za což jim moc děkujeme.

Jour de repos

After a good breakfast we decided to spend the morning at the sea. The route itself was not long, but because the path was lined with various games which we tried, it was quite long. As a result, we were all warmed up and so were happy to cool off in the waves of the Mediterranean.

For lunch, most had lasagna and others had pizza. Both were very good.

After a rest, some went to make contacts with the Polish choir and the rest went to explore the beauty of Toulon. Our first steps led to the local cathedral, which had excellent acoustics. We then had ice cream of various flavours, such as lavender. Our next steps also led to the church, where we sang Otche Nash. We then moved on to the National Naval Museum. Here we were pleasantly surprised by the free admission. And so we had a nice detailed look at the whole museum. On the way back some of us had a cup of coffee and others got their feet wet in the waters of the local harbour. On the way we came across a pastry shop where every product was a work of art.

Menší skupinka se večer vydala opět na pláž, aby zde zhlédla západ slunce. Bohužel jsme jej již nestihli, ale poslední paprsky slunce nádherně ozařovaly mraky nad obzorem. Pokochali jsme se také vlnolamem a dokonce jsme si opláchli nohy v moři.

Zítra nás čeká poslech Grand Prix, krátké vystoupení a večeře od pořadatele. Již se nemůžeme dočkat až uslyšíme nádhernou hudbu od výherních souborů.

Jour de compétition

In the morning we were welcomed at the IBIS hotel with a very good and nutritious breakfast, which we enjoyed very much. Then followed the preparation for the afternoon competition.

After lunch, we took a boat, which by the way belongs to Toulon's public transport, to the casino and from there to the local church where the school was located. There we waited for the start of the competition.

Our turn came around five. Then we moved straight to a local park for a sound check.

At 19:00 we were waiting for the announcement of the results of our category Vocal Groups. The chairman of the jury welcomed us and started to announce the results. It started from 8th place. Uruguay. Switzerland. Italy. USA. Our hearts leapt for joy because it meant we were in the top half. France. Croatia! Our hearts were racing. That means we're first or second. There was a moment of suspense and... Sextet+. 

Only the Indonesians were ahead of us. And that means we are the best in Europe and the second best in the whole world in this category! 

We had to celebrate! And how else but with a good dinner, which each group had a little different.

The final concert followed. Here we heard choirs from different parts of the world, for example from China. Personally, we felt that we received the biggest and strongest applause.

Then it was just a transfer to the hotel and a well-deserved sleep after such a hard day.

Tomorrow, i.e. on Saturday, we will have a free day, so we will probably enjoy the beauty of the city and the sea, in which we will definitely swim.

Bonne journée France

We met at the Václav Havel airport before 12 o'clock and started our journey to France. The journey with the Ryanair plane went well, although we arrived in France with a slight delay. 

Then we moved to the hotel, where we changed into blue polo shirts and went to the opening ceremony. Here we were greeted by a ballet performance, a concert by an amateur group and the judges were introduced to us. Towards the end we were caught in a small shower and then we went off to the hotel, during which some of us bought an extra large croissant.

We have a competition performance tomorrow, so wish us luck.

Young Bohemia

On Friday we left early in the morning for Prague, where we sang competitively in the Majakovsky Hall around noon. Then we had a break until we met the choir Puellae et Pueri on the Old Town Square. Here we saw the Town Hall Tower and then took a walk through Prague at night.

On Saturday we attended non-competitive performances by choirs from different parts of the world. This was followed by a performance by the Lithuanian orchestra. In the afternoon, together with the other choirs, we walked in a parade around the Old Town Square.

In the evening we gathered for the announcement of the results. The choir received an award for the non-competitive category. And we won gold level in our category. Afterparty followed and than we departed for home. We all enjoyed it very much.

Day 7 - Summary

For 15 years of existence of Sextet+ we visited different countries and types of performances. This year's, the annual one, was after all exceptional, especially in its logistics. I would like to summarize our adventure once again. From Sunday, February 6 to Friday, February 11, we stayed in the United Arab Emirates and on Tuesday, February 8, we performed two concerts in the Czech Pavilion at Expo 2020. After the Czech band Mirai, which performed at Expo on Saturday, we were the next ensemble that offered the visitors of the Czech Pavilion vocal compositions by Czech and international authors. Sextet+ was a success with both Czech and foreign visitors and was an unusual decoration of our future pavilion. We represented the Czech Republic, Nový Jičín and of course our Gymnasium in English moderated entries. We are glad that the whole event was a success and we are again richer for the experience. Thank you very much for the whole opportunity and we are looking forward to more events together!

Day 7 - Dubai Marina + Old Dubai

Sixth day was again one of the busier days. After we got up relatively early, we took the subway to get to a district called Dubai Marina, which is known not only for a beach, but mostly for its canal and the scenery of the local skyscrapers. After short walk by the canal we went to the beach, which is directly lined with skyscrapers and has a beautiful view of the largest "Ferris wheel" in the world and our next stop - Ain Dubai. But before that we swam in a sea! Then we moved to Ain Dubai, which, due to covid, allows only 10 people in one cabin.
Our only luck was, that it was the exact number as members of this expedition so we had a cabin all by ourselves. We were rewarded for the previous rush with beautiful views from an altitude of 250 meters. Then we took a taxi, then the metro and finally a boat to Old Dubai, where we explored the district and its narrow streets, but most importantly, we shopped for valuable souvenirs! Then it was the daily routine, transfer to the metro, hotel and dinner. However, we were nearing the end of our trip. Tomorrow we have a flight back to Prague in the afternoon and then a we´ll move to NJ. So keep an eye on the radar and see you back in the Czech Republic!